Cy Sorry.HELP!

You know, quite honestly we're not a very big operation in terms of people. Still, that doesn't mean we take our members for granted. One of the first things we made a priority was a 24-7 customer support line. We don't expect you to keep our schedule, because we certainly can't keep up with all of yours. So whatever time you're on the Internet, if you have a question, we're here to help. If your password doesn't work all of a sudden, or you have a question about one of the postings, we're here to help. If you've ordered from our catalogue, you can check the status on that. Even if you want to cancel we'll help you. We'll miss you, but we'll still help.

We've been doing this on the web all day long, every day, since 1998. It's very important to us to be available for questions or comments ... so we're here 24 hours to serve you! If you need assistance with your membership, contact our customer service department by calling:

In the USA: 888-201-5505 (toll free) — Outside the USA: 661-252-5756

If you would like to cancel your membership, that's no problem at all, but naturally we hope you come back and see us sometime. Just CANCEL HERE online. That's all there is to it. We always treat members as we'd like to be treated by sites ourselves. Novel, huh?

If you have other questions or concerns, or you'd just like confirmation from an actual human being about what's happening with your account, feel free to use our Customer Service email:

Customer Service:

Of course if you’re a member, you have a whole bunch of significantly more wonderful ways of contacting us inside. We hope to see you (again, maybe) soon.

We have people to help. Promise.
— Cytherea